Then there was my Father.... Mr. Tough Guy, Chief Smokeweedalot (We are Cherokee) Married to someone whom I call Hitler...yes yes I know thats a horrible name to call someone but if YOU were to meet this lady I KNOW you would agree with me 100%!!!!
Also when I was 5 and in Kindergarden, the same age as my own daughter is now...I was molested by his brother, my uncle...I never said anything until Jr. High School....when I did...did I get support or help for it???? What do you think? Oh helllllll NO...He Calls him over to the house to "confront" me about it...I told him I remember EVERYTHING...and left out NO details at all! And he just simply denied it all and that was that....they all had a few beers and he left and nothing more was said about it...I am a grown women now and it still haunts me at times. Not as badly as it used to but it does at times...BUT guess where the old douchbag is right now as Im typing these words????? Hes Locked up for????Lued acts with a minor, child indangermentand AND child molestation!!!!!! hallelujah!!!! I dont know all the details on the case but I hope my father and his hag of a wife felt "something" when it all went down, althought they never mentioned anything to me.....
Well thats enough for now....maybe ive touched a bit on some of the reasons why i am an emotional eater....maybe
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