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Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Nov 8th

So Yeah after gaining almost all the weight I lost 27lbs total gained all but 15 back...ive started yet another fast...yeah i know how horrible how bad for your body how this how this point i dont give a shi*! It works so im doing it for a few days...This morning im 294.6lbs!!!! started this whole thing actually restarted it for the millionth time oct 3rd at 315 got down to 286ish but decided i needed to screw up badly so I did. I am here again rererererererestarting... I would post a photo of myself but im always behind the camara taking pics not in front of....a trick all of us fat folks learn lol...

So what exactly am i doing you ask (or maybe you dont ask lol) I will be doing a liquid fast...only taking in water, diet cola although sometimes it bloats me, coffee, sweetner added only (fake stuff) tea, and the powerade vit zero cals or carbs, that stuff is great....anyway i am diabetic and like a good lil diabetic i check my sugars 4 or so times a day (no really I do, always have) so I will drink some juice or have a bite of something if my sugars get too low. I have always been careful about that...

I dont even know if anyone will ever read any of this but if ya do...and ya think im crazy im not...I dont "think" im ever going to get down to a size 2 HELLO ive ALWAYS been fat...that simply will not happen...but I have always suffered from low self esteem, self image and compulive over eating and I cant just have a little bit, I have to have the whole thing....believe me I know...ive tried every single diet out there....and many that ive hardly been able to afford to go on...and NOTHING but severly restricting or fasting works....and true thus far its not been lasting results but thats been my fault...

Okay...all done for now....till next time...

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