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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nov 27

Hell No i did NOT go shopping on Black Friday..never had done that never will...I remember when i was little and went with my grandmother once and got lost...I was hollering "Grandma, Grandma" and 800 grey headed old ladies were all lookin at me...THAT was it for Ill just wait till my usual Christmas Eve to do my shopping...well im not that bad but almost....

So its two days after Thanksgiving and YES im STILL EATING!!!! Like theres NEVER gonna be anything else to eat EVER!!!! Well not today yet cause its early...ive decided to fast clean and clear...clean my body...ya know..water only (okay who am i lying to, im drinking a diet pepsi now but its close to water in a way...okay maybe not anyway........) but most deff to clear my mind......TRY to think of other WONT be hard...already know 1 never is...not till actual feelings of ACTUAL hunger hit...then i start to mentally think of food...till then im good...

Im not gonna hit the scale today...cause i know im still at roughly 300... I know i want to be to about 275 by New Years WHICH I know is doable if i stop FU#KING UP! AND AND AND starting hitting the gym again...its not like i was killing myself there anyway...i was doing a mile at between 2.4-3.0 mph usually no incline but sometimes up to 6% for a wee wee wee tiny bit on the treadmill then 2000 step on the recumbant crosstrainer then the weight rest end up being there roughly 70-90 mins...95% of the time i felt really good after and it really did help me...but im so freak lazy....anywho...guess im done here...

Take care to those who may be reading this...

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